Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Why has the Buy-side been left out of a process that reduces transaction volumes and protects the securities industry via time-tested risk mitigation processes?

That the buy-side doesn’t participate in the post trade date process, that protects street-side participants and ensures timely and accurate settlement, is an oversight by the industry as well as the regulators. Post trade processes evolved, from the early 1970’s, originally driven by the paper work crunch of the late 1960’s. Today these processes ensure that the industry is safe and capable of supporting substantial growth in trade volumes. These processes include trade comparison, trade netting and settlement.    

But the infrastructure only protects the street-side which leaves buy-side participants outside the process. In turn this exposes the street-side to risk of settlement failures and the need to process additional transactions volumes.

There are alternative methods of buy-side participation; one where the investor would become a member and participate directly. Another is having the investor’s Custodian or Prime Broker represent the investor and participate on their behalf. Both alternatives would require some accommodation by the industry infrastructure and the Buy-side but it would be a “win-win” for everyone.

What are your thoughts?

Do you agree…..or…… disagree?

                             What are the benefits or disadvantages?