Monday, July 22, 2013


Though many believe that version II is more stringent than the version I, version II does address many of the issues that will provide and strengthen investor protection, leverage the technological advances including new market-places and the resulting data fragmentation.

One issue that concerns the Buy-side is the official response to dark pools. Recent attention on this trading marketplace has focused on negatives aspects of dark pools. This has heightened Buy-side attention as they believe that dark pools offer distinct advantages. I have confidence that the Council will weigh the upside and downside of dark pools. They need to protect the integrity of the market but also must maintain the benefits provided by alternatives trading systems.

Also it is critical to move faster than the expected 2014 / 2015 implementation date.  A two- year gap leaves too much time for new technology to increase or further impact the business resulting in practices with dire consequences. Instead a more evolutionary solution of regulatory changes, on a timely basis, to address current and evolving challenges will deliver faster solutions to market unbalances and level the playing field for all market participants.

Another challenge is ensuring that the Buy-side is involved and encouraged to offer opinions and hopefully contribute to the resolution.